Author: Craig Hall

Fifteen Carnies turned out for The Great Lanhydrock 10 on a beautiful warm sunny day.  Perfect conditions for photo’s, not so good for fast running! Myself Mark Dorrell and Jason Richards made our way to the front looking to get …

The Great Lanhydrock 10 Read More »

Wednesday evening saw a healthy contingent of Carnies at Truro Rugby Club for this year’s Meet Your Max. We had more than enough runners for both a men’s and ladies’s team so we awaited the start with anticipation. As the …

Meet Your Max Race Report Read More »

After the club outing to Edinburgh last year it was a much reduced Carnie contingent this year with only me and Andy and, travelling separately, new club member Elliot, attempting his first marathon. In the absence of any other Carnies …

Edinburgh Marathon Read More »

  Hi all, Having run so badly at the Trevornick 10 last time I thought I best test the water again before diving into the Sticker 5 next month. I searched the internet and found a local 10k up here …

Ropley 10k Read More »

SHOW THE BEST 2013/14 SECOND QUARTER’S LEAGUE TABLE The league table for the second quarter of the 2013/14 Show the Best competition is attached. The table shows the best performance at a qualifying distance by all members who entered the …

Show The Best Update Read More »

GWITHIAN DUNES – every Friday – 6.30pm very prompt start from the top car park, Gwithian Beach TEHIDY WOODS – every Monday – 6.15pm prompt start from the Duck Pond Car Park (South Drive), Tehidy Woods These are club runs and all …

Reminder Read More »