Storm Force 10 2018
Pre-entries are now closed there are entries available on the day at registration, please arrive early to ensure you give yourself time to enter as it is likely to be busy.. Please see the race page for details. Storm Force …
Pre-entries are now closed there are entries available on the day at registration, please arrive early to ensure you give yourself time to enter as it is likely to be busy.. Please see the race page for details. Storm Force …
Carn Runners are celebrating a good end to the 2016/17 Cornish Multi Terrain series with races over the county from Tywardeath Trotter to the Race for Wildlife way down west. Carn Runner Paul Sawford was 4th overall in the league …
A great turnout this year with 35 runners starting and 34 completing our annual handicap race. Thanks to Chris, Carol and Caz for organising. Massive well done to Steven Thomas 3rd, Jeanette Toy 2nd and Sarah Carswell our Winner! …
Do any of these statements apply to you: 1. I am looking to do my first ultra. 2. I have done ultras but would like something a bit flatter than our local races to get a good time. 3. I …
Our new Carn flag was flying at Trevornick last weekend. This will make it easy to find us at large events!! Look out for it at Hope 24 this weekend coming!
** DATES UPDATED ** So……you really really want to achieve some new PBs in the new GP series…….this is where you need to do the hard work……during the winter months…….and where best then at the TRACK with UKA coach Viv …